Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Clarence in September 2015

Clarence in September
Howdy, Folks,
First off, Peggy Sue and myself want to thank Tina and Truman for the Church picnic at their home. We all had a great time—you know me and food. Man, it was awesome. So, Tina and Truman, from Peggy Sue and me, “Thank you!”
It sure was good to see the Church a little fuller than usual. We had 260 people there for family Sunday.
Talkin’ about attendance, we should everyone look around and see who’s not here that should be. Galatians 6:1&2 says when a brother or sister is at fault, we who are spiritual should go to them and try to restore them because, when they miss the Lord’s day, they have fallen away.
We had a great men’s fellowship. We had 65 there and a great speaker. One thing he said that really got to me was that if 65 men would come together for fellowship and prayer, we as Christians could bring this country back to bein’ a God-fearin’ country.
Well, Folks, that’s all for now. Don’t forget our prayer list! Pray for Truman, Justin, Jacob, Zoey, Linda, and Darlene & Shy. Also Paul Welch’s daughter was in a bad car wreck. And remember Shanthi’s health and Steve with all that is goin’ on for him over there. Pray that things work out so he can come home soon. Also remember Joyce Washburn’s health issues. There are so many that we should just pray for our whole Church family.
Remember, Jesus loves you, Peggy Sue does, and so do I.
See you in Church!