Monday, December 16, 2013

Clarence in January
Howdy Folks,
Well, here we are at 2014, a New Year. Let’s start out with a new year’s resolution. What say we all agree to bring one new person to Christ in 2014? Won’t that be great? Even if just half of us do it, that would be quite an accomplishment, but I hope we would all do it. I dare say that some of us have never led anyone to the Lord, so let’s all pray about it and “Just Do It.”
We had 57 men at the men’s fellowship and a great musical program with the Cornwell twins.
I heard that the ladies ministry had a cookie exchange program. Peggy Sue said it was great but could have had more ladies in attendance. Ladies, you need to get involved, because the ladies ministry is an important part of the Church. So come on, ladies, do your “stuff.”
Folks, Peggy Sue says don’t start the year out being too windy, so I guess I will close for now.
Pray for June Bowland’s family. June has gone home. Also pray for our Church family, Truman, Justin, the missionaries, and our Church leaders.
Don’t forget our new year’s resolution: “One new person to Christ in 2014.”
Remember Peggy Sue loves ya, and so do I.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Clarence in December
Howdy, Folks,
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, and remember to give thanks for all your blessings.
I guess by now you’re getting’ ready for Christmas. I hope and pray we never forget the real meaning of Christmas.
Our Harvest party was a real success. We had 65 kids here havin’ fun, plenty of good food (as usual, ha-ha), and all our members manning the booths. A great big Thank You to Bob and Linda. We are really blessed to have both of them in our Church family.
The ladies’ ministry had a dinner for My Mercy and CIY with Pat Fancher speaking. She did an excellent job. Ladies, keep up the good work. Villa Heights needs a good ladies’ ministry. Men’s fellowship had 66 men present. Justin Avery spoke on unity. He mentioned how great it would be if we all (I mean us and other denominations) were united under Christ. We had six men from Shiloh Baptist Church at the men’s fellowship; that’s the start of being united. What an impact we would have on Joplin and America. Pray that this may happen.
The Anderson’s were here and they gave a good report on their ministry in Brazil. Our dollar Sunday was for them, and we raised $1,008.55. Ain’t that Great?
Well, folks, guess that’s it for now. On our prayer list we need to thank God for Greg Dameron’s successful operation and pray that his rehab goes well. Pray for Justin’s trip, safe travel, and good preachin’. Also pray for Truman and the rest of the staff. And don’t forget to pray for our Church family, country, service men and women, and the leaders in Washington.
I end this year thanking God for the way he has blessed us. Villa Heights just seems to get better and better. Thank you for puttin’ up with me and Peggy Sue. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Remember Peggy Sue Loves you, and so do I.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Clarence in November

Clarence in November
Howdy, Folks,
Guess winter is right around the corner. We’ve had a good summer and a lot to be thankful for, so with Thanksgiving comin’ up we should start makin’ a list, because God is surely good to us all.
October is gone and I hope you all took time to tell Truman and Justin how much we appreciate them. They have done a lot for Villa Heights, with God’s help and blessings.
Seems like it’s been a busy month. (Boy, howdy!) We are always eatin’, but that’s okay with me!  We had the Back-to-Church dinner, then the fall church picnic, and last but not least, the Men’s Fellowship: My favorite. (Love that Gravy.) We had 96 men present and Gary Zustiak had an inspiring message. God really blesses us with great speakers.
Every time I see the kids out playin’ on the playground, I thank God for providin’ that for us. It was surely a move in the right direction.
We have been blessed with a lot of visitors. I hope we “all” make an effort to make them feel welcome.
Well, folks, guess that’s it for this month. But I’m closin’ with a bit of sadness. June Boland lost her son, and we lost one of the most committed members of Villa Heights, Alice Earhart. She sure has earned her rest. We are sad because we hate to give her up, but happy because she is with the Lord.
On a happy note Billy and Karli Garrigan had a beautiful baby girl. Dennis is still on cloud nine. You’d think he’d be used to it by now. HAHA
Remember to pray for Truman, Justin, all our staff, elders, deacons, church family, service men and women, our nation and government.
 “Have a Happy Thanksgiving”
Remember Peggy Sue Loves ya’ and so do I.

clip artclip artClarence

Monday, August 19, 2013

Clarence in September
Howdy, Folks,
Me again, with what’s going on at Villa Heights, as I know it.
Well, we had Fun Night, and it sure was swell. There were about 150 in attendance.
With a bounce house for the kids, which was loads of fun. Plus plenty of awesome, awesome, homemade ice cream. Man, it doesn’t get any better than that.
Villa Heights hosted the 4-State Men’s meeting, which was ladies’ night. We had about 100 present. Truman asked the ladies for pies, and, man, we had pies. You ladies sure are great. They don’t come any better than you girls. “Thanks a Bunch.”
We had our men’s fellowship, with 65 men in attendance. God sure has blessed this fellowship with committed men who show up every month. Brother Joe Garman was the speaker, and he was really great. We are lucky to have so many men of God committed to serving “Him.” Oh! I almost forgot to mention that there was plenty of my favorite food, “Biscuits & Gravy.”
You know, the other day Peggy Sue said to me, “Do you realize how many people it takes to make our Sunday Worship pleasing to God? I know these people don’t do the work for praise, but it sure wouldn’t hurt to say thanks once in a while. There’s the ushers, greeters, praise team, people who work the sound & video, Sunday School teachers, nursery helpers, security, people who prepare communion, girls in the office who do the bulletin, and of course Truman and Justin.” Peggy Sue and I say a big “Thank You” to all.
God blesses us because of our love for one another.
I guess that’s it for this month. Our hearts are sad because we lost Ruth Yeager and Georganna McCulley in death. But we rejoice because they have gone home to our heavenly Father. Pray for everyone on our Prayer list, also Bill Meyer, Jim Boman, Truman, Justin, and our country that we as a nation will repent of our moral decline.
Until next month, remember Peggy Sue loves you, and so do I