Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Clarence in June

Howdy, Folks,
To start with, we had an awesome VBS. Peggy Sue’s sister Patty Jo was here visiting and she said that, in her opinion, Villa Heights is a great Church, so from the church mouse and family, well done Bob Heath and the VBS gang.
Then we had another baptism; Hayley Guarino gave her life to Christ.  “Praise the Lord.” The Lord sure is blessin’ the Villa Heights family.
We had another great men’s fellowship. Sixty men attended and Randy Wilson spoke on the decisions we make and how they affect the future.
Folks, we are getting’ ready to start a new Sunday school program. Pray for those who are puttin’ it together, that God will bless our efforts, and that it will be a success. I know we all hate change, but if we don’t try new things, we have less chance to win the lost or to get them to want to come to Church. In almost every business changes are made to improve things, and whether we like it or not, we go along with it. But when it comes to Church there’s always a few who don’t like it. Folks, it’s not what we like or dislike, it’s what the Lord wants that matters. It’s better to try something and fail than to do nothing. If we never changed where would the Church be today?
Truman said in one of his sermons, that this world doesn’t fear God and a lot of people don’t believe in God. But we as Christians do believe and fear Him, so let’s put “Christ first” and do all we can to move His Church forward.
Well, until next month, pray for our country, Truman, Justin, Jacob, Bob H., Linda, our missionaries, and all the leadership of Christ’s Church.
Remember our New Year’s resolution: win one person to Christ in 2014. Are you still trying for one?
Remember Peggy Sue loves you, and so do I.

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