Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Clarence in September

Clarence in September
Howdy, Folks,
Well here I am again, with the Church mouse point of view of the goings on at Villa Heights.
We had another fine men’s fellowship. We had 72 men present (Praise God!). Mark Taylor the CEO of KNEO radio station spoke on the power of prayer and how lucky we have it. Thanks to “Jesus Christ.”
After the fellowship, the deacons had a work day, and they sure got a lot accomplished.
About a week ago about 15 men took the van and went to Racine Christian Church for the Four-State Men’s meeting where our preacher spoke. Yours truly happened to sneak aboard, knowing that before the night was over, there would be some vittles, and you know how much I like to eat. Anyway, Truman really preached on winning the lost. He sure is committed to doing that. I wish we would get as committed as he is.
Our ladies are leaving Friday for a retreat in Arkansas. Peggy Sue thinks she’s gonna hop aboard the van and go with ’em. I kinda hope she makes it, ’cause I could use the break. HaHa! If you girls see her, don’t tell her I said that.
Don’t forget our Back-to-Church Sunday; let’s Invite! Invite! Invite! Let’s please the Lord and make our preacher happy.
One more thing, our new Sunday school program is really going great. Thank you to all those who made it possible. If you know someone not goin’ to Sunday school, do your best to encourage them to come. They will be glad they came, and you will be happy you had a hand in it.
Remember those who need prayer. Start with a praise: Brenda Buckner had our prayers answered, and she is cancer free. Ain’t that great? Thank you, Jesus! Rethel von Gonten is doing better, but still needs our prayers. Remember all those on our prayer list. Also Truman, Justin, Jacob, our church leaders, and our church family.
Folks, we only have three more months to live up to our New Year’s Resolution. If you can’t do it, just invite everyone you see to come to church and let the Holy Spirit do it. And pray with all your heart for our country, that as a country we will repent and come back to God.
Remember Peggy Sue loves you and so do I.
