Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Clarence in April 2015

Clarence in April
Howdy, Folks,
Can you believe it? It’s already May. I don’t know about you all, but time sure does fly by for this here church mouse.
Well, to start off, we had a good, Bring-a-Friend Day and topped it off with an excellent dinner. A big thank you to Judy and Jeff Goldammer for heading it up, and well done.
Then we had a great Resurrection Sunday. Church was full. (Wish it was like that every Sunday.) Good preaching and awesome music. I don’t know how it could have been any better. Well done to Jacob and the praise team.
Folks, I’m just as proud as punch for our church family here at Villa Heights. And I’m very lucky to be your church mouse.
Judy Goldammer and Jane Gray have started a Wednesday night ladies prayer group. They meet together and pray for different people and thank God for who He is and our many blessings. So for you ladies who haven’t come, you might give it a try. I know it will enrich your life.
Well, Folks, I’m going to say the same thing I said last month. I hope and pray that all our members, who just come to church when the mood hits ’em will change and be committed to worshiping the Lord every Sunday in Church.
I’m just a silly mouse, but I don’t understand: we all want to go to heaven, but don’t want to worship the Lord on Sunday, but that’s what we will be doing in Heaven.
Well, that’s it for this month. We got some good news on Barb Tubbs. Praise God! We still need to keep her and Ava Welch, Brad Quale, Janet Keller’s mother, Helen Boman’s sister and many more on our prayer list that need our prayers.
If some of you ladies aren’t coming to the ladies prayer group, here’s a chance to step up and help out. There’s great power in numbers.
Don’t forget to pray for Truman, Justin, Jacob, Zoey, Darlene, Shy, Elders, and Deacons.
Until next month, remember, God loves you, Peggy Sue loves you, and so do I.

