Friday, November 15, 2013

Clarence in December
Howdy, Folks,
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, and remember to give thanks for all your blessings.
I guess by now you’re getting’ ready for Christmas. I hope and pray we never forget the real meaning of Christmas.
Our Harvest party was a real success. We had 65 kids here havin’ fun, plenty of good food (as usual, ha-ha), and all our members manning the booths. A great big Thank You to Bob and Linda. We are really blessed to have both of them in our Church family.
The ladies’ ministry had a dinner for My Mercy and CIY with Pat Fancher speaking. She did an excellent job. Ladies, keep up the good work. Villa Heights needs a good ladies’ ministry. Men’s fellowship had 66 men present. Justin Avery spoke on unity. He mentioned how great it would be if we all (I mean us and other denominations) were united under Christ. We had six men from Shiloh Baptist Church at the men’s fellowship; that’s the start of being united. What an impact we would have on Joplin and America. Pray that this may happen.
The Anderson’s were here and they gave a good report on their ministry in Brazil. Our dollar Sunday was for them, and we raised $1,008.55. Ain’t that Great?
Well, folks, guess that’s it for now. On our prayer list we need to thank God for Greg Dameron’s successful operation and pray that his rehab goes well. Pray for Justin’s trip, safe travel, and good preachin’. Also pray for Truman and the rest of the staff. And don’t forget to pray for our Church family, country, service men and women, and the leaders in Washington.
I end this year thanking God for the way he has blessed us. Villa Heights just seems to get better and better. Thank you for puttin’ up with me and Peggy Sue. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Remember Peggy Sue Loves you, and so do I.
