Monday, December 16, 2013

Clarence in January
Howdy Folks,
Well, here we are at 2014, a New Year. Let’s start out with a new year’s resolution. What say we all agree to bring one new person to Christ in 2014? Won’t that be great? Even if just half of us do it, that would be quite an accomplishment, but I hope we would all do it. I dare say that some of us have never led anyone to the Lord, so let’s all pray about it and “Just Do It.”
We had 57 men at the men’s fellowship and a great musical program with the Cornwell twins.
I heard that the ladies ministry had a cookie exchange program. Peggy Sue said it was great but could have had more ladies in attendance. Ladies, you need to get involved, because the ladies ministry is an important part of the Church. So come on, ladies, do your “stuff.”
Folks, Peggy Sue says don’t start the year out being too windy, so I guess I will close for now.
Pray for June Bowland’s family. June has gone home. Also pray for our Church family, Truman, Justin, the missionaries, and our Church leaders.
Don’t forget our new year’s resolution: “One new person to Christ in 2014.”
Remember Peggy Sue loves ya, and so do I.
