Monday, August 19, 2013

Clarence in September
Howdy, Folks,
Me again, with what’s going on at Villa Heights, as I know it.
Well, we had Fun Night, and it sure was swell. There were about 150 in attendance.
With a bounce house for the kids, which was loads of fun. Plus plenty of awesome, awesome, homemade ice cream. Man, it doesn’t get any better than that.
Villa Heights hosted the 4-State Men’s meeting, which was ladies’ night. We had about 100 present. Truman asked the ladies for pies, and, man, we had pies. You ladies sure are great. They don’t come any better than you girls. “Thanks a Bunch.”
We had our men’s fellowship, with 65 men in attendance. God sure has blessed this fellowship with committed men who show up every month. Brother Joe Garman was the speaker, and he was really great. We are lucky to have so many men of God committed to serving “Him.” Oh! I almost forgot to mention that there was plenty of my favorite food, “Biscuits & Gravy.”
You know, the other day Peggy Sue said to me, “Do you realize how many people it takes to make our Sunday Worship pleasing to God? I know these people don’t do the work for praise, but it sure wouldn’t hurt to say thanks once in a while. There’s the ushers, greeters, praise team, people who work the sound & video, Sunday School teachers, nursery helpers, security, people who prepare communion, girls in the office who do the bulletin, and of course Truman and Justin.” Peggy Sue and I say a big “Thank You” to all.
God blesses us because of our love for one another.
I guess that’s it for this month. Our hearts are sad because we lost Ruth Yeager and Georganna McCulley in death. But we rejoice because they have gone home to our heavenly Father. Pray for everyone on our Prayer list, also Bill Meyer, Jim Boman, Truman, Justin, and our country that we as a nation will repent of our moral decline.
Until next month, remember Peggy Sue loves you, and so do I